What is WooCommerce?
WooCommerce is a free eCommerce plugin for WordPress. That’s right, we said free! Essentially it makes adding and managing an online store to your WordPress site fairly simple, with tons of scalability with features like inventory and tax management, secure payments, and shipping options.
If you’re like most businesses, your WordPress site is the heart of your business—let’s face it, it’s your baby! We get it. It’s one of the best digital platforms you can build with. And now you want it to go the distance as you add retail to your business. You want customers to be able to easily find and purchase products from you online. The problem is, you don’t want to leave your current site behind. Well, don’t worry—you don’t have to.
Our WooCommerce Expertise
WooCommerce is an open-source, free WordPress plugin that can easily turn your beloved site into an online store with ease. At Newbird, our expert team has been working with WooCommerce since its inception and whether it’s ongoing maintenance, scalability, or custom development, we can help you get up and running quickly.
Our Process Runs Deep
Let’s dig in deeper. First, we learn about you—then we get to work. Sound good? We think so, here’s why.
Project Plan
From there we plan the work, then work the plan. Meanwhile, we give you a bird’s eye view of everything we’re working on together.
Project Kickoff
A solid strategy is at the heart of everything we do. We’ll never kick off a project without it.
We leave nothing to chance when it comes to your online presence. That’s why we start with wireframes.
Web & App Design
Create a platform that’s not only functional, it’s beautiful.
Our expert team of web developers guides clients to the right platform for their business.
Launch & Hosting
The moment you go live, we test each element manually, and quickly, to ensure it’s running as intended.
Ongoing Design, Development, Marketing
We know running a business takes constant effort, and we’re ready to help.